Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in (BCOR 3030 OR MGT 3000 OR MGT 3030) AND (Intermediate or Full Major or Minor status in the Business School OR Full Major Status in QAMO OR Chemical Engineering) OR Instructor Consent
This course focuses on the following: A) Students will be made aware of the demands that emanate from stakeholders and are placed on business firms. B) As prospective managers, students need to understand appropriate business responses and management approaches for dealing with social, political, environmental, technological, and global issues and stakeholders. C) To have an appreciation for ethical issues and the influence these issues have on management decision-making, and behavior. D) To enable students to become more knowledgeable and effective contributors to groups and organizations. E) To develop insight into the multi-faceted nature of ethical behavior in business, exploring the conflicts that arise from such aspects as self-interest, power, obligations, competition, and diversity. F) To assist students to develop personal guidelines on how to handle ethical conflicts.