Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in ((BCOR 3040 OR MKTG 3000 OR MKTG 3010 OR MKTG 3011 OR MKTG 3040 OR MKTG 3041) AND Intermediate or Full Major or Minor status in the School of Business OR Full Major status in QAMO)
This course in data-based decision making; it examines how data and analytics can be used to improve marketing decisions. Students learn how to use Excel and the Marketing Engineering add-in to build predictive models in order to help make decisions about market segmentation and target market selection; new product and service design; product positioning; pricing; and allocation or marketing mix expenditures. Specifically, the course will cover: conjoint analysis, logit models, Multidimensional Scaling (MDS), and marketing mix response models.