Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in (BCOR 3040 OR MKTG 3000 OR MKTG 3010 OR MKTG 3011 OR MKTG 3040 OR MKTG 3041) AND Intermediate or Full Major or Minor status in the School of Business
At some point in their careers, virtually all marketing students will be part of executing, selecting, or directing the creative work of agencies. This is an in-depth course in unlocking the mystery of the creative process behind great advertising messages, executions, and the power of storytelling. The course includes hands-on experience in developing advertising ideas. It also features real-world mentors and highly experienced guest speakers--such as the former Worldwide Advertising Director of American Airlines, along with the current Executive Creative Directors at McCann Worldgroup, the world's largest ad agency. In addition, students will work with creatives from the ADTHING at the U, the University's ad agency staffed by students, run by pros.