Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in (MATH 1210 OR MATH 1250 OR MATH 1311 OR MATH 1310 OR AP Calculus AB score of 4+ OR AP Calculus BC score of 3+) AND (PHYS 2010/2210/3210) AND (ASTR/PHYS 1060 OR PHYS 2020/2220/3220) OR Instructor Consent.
This course will serve as an introduction to the tools and techniques used in optical and radio astronomy. Using the facilities at the University of Utah Observatory, we will explore the cosmos and study the Sun, planets, asteroids, stars and galaxies. Measurements of basic properties of astronomical objects will be performed. Quantitative analysis of these measurements will enable us to determine such things as the mass of Jupiter as well as the ages of stars. Recommended Prerequisites: Familiarity with computers.