Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in (WRTG 2010 OR EAS 1060 OR HONOR 2211 OR AP English score of 4+) AND Full Major status in Chemical Engineering AND UofU GPA of 2.5+
Requirement Designation:
Upper Division Communication/Writing
This course prepares students for writing and speaking effectively in technical communications pertaining to the field of chemical engineering. Students will learn useful strategies for preparing technical documents ranging from memos to formal reports such as laboratory reports, and scientific papers. Students will learn to formulate communications tailored to different audiences. They will develop effective editing skills that will enable them to write clearly, concisely, and accurately. They will review and critique the writing of their peers and will work collaboratively on teams. They will also prepare and give presentations on chemical engineering topics. In addition, they will explore related topics of critical thinking, argumentation, and ethics.