Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: Admitted to the Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)
This course series will serve as the context for preparing students for their 14-week capstone experience that occurs at the end of this program. The goal of the capstone experience includes designing an individual plan to develop advanced skills in one of the following areas: clinical practice skills, research skills, leadership, program and policy development, or education. The second aim is to participate in community-engaged learning by developing objectives that are responsive to the capstone site’s needs. In this first course of the capstone series, students will formulate ideas for their capstone project/experience topic. Following their ideas, students will complete a literature review on their topic of interest. After considering professional and project goals, students will narrow down sites that can meet their objectives and start connecting with community sites to determine a potential capstone location. By the end of the semester, students will begin to a) develop a relationship with an experiential site mentor to explore population-based needs at a site and b) write their proposal for their potential capstone project/experience.