Course Detail
Course Components:
Special Projects
UUSOM students pursuing a Graduate Certificate in Rural and Underserved Medicine (GCRUM) must complete a Community-Oriented Health Improvement (COHI) Capstone Project during a 3rd or 4th year elective to earn the Graduate Certificate. This mentored 4-credit elective, along with the rural, underserved and community health prerequisite courses (MD ID 6550, 6555, 6660, and 6665), will provide the foundational principals and experiential support needed to successful complete this capstone. With assistance from the Course Directors, students will identify a mentor with knowledge and experience in community health collaboration and quality improvement efforts. Identifying a mentor can begin as early as MS1 – the sooner this process begins, the greater the opportunity to consider the many options available across the University and within the community. Faculty leads in rural and underserved medicine will assist students in identifying a COHI-project mentor, who may be a faculty member from any number of Schools or Colleges across UU (School of Medicine, School of Dentistry, College of Nursing, College of Pharmacy, College of Health, College of Social Work, College of Education), or a partner in community health outside UU (ie Utah Department of Health, Utah Department of Human Services, Utah Department of Workforce Services).