Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C+' or better in (SW 6001 AND 6002 AND 6030 AND 6040 AND 6110 AND 6120 AND 6140 AND 6240) AND Graduate status in Social Work [OR] Corequisites: 'C+' or better in (SW 6040 AND SW 6121 AND SW 6200) AND Graduate status in Social Work
Completion of this class fulfills one of the requirements of the Global Social Work Area of Focus. The purpose of this course is to enhance student preparation for (a) professional social work practice within the context of global interdependence, (b) social work abroad and (c) practice with multi- cultural populations in the United States. Students will gain knowledge of social work issues and develop skills in micro to macro change strategies by studying social work practices of various cultures/countries around the world.