Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C+' or better in (SW 6001 AND SW 6002 AND SW 6030 AND SW 6040 AND SW 6110 AND SW 6120 AND SW 6140 AND SW 6240) OR Graduate Standing in Social Work OR Department Consent.
Through this course, students learn to understand organizations’ role in addressing the developmental impact of trauma and adverse childhood events on children and families they serve, and become familiar with the evidence base for promoting protective factors and developmental resilience. This includes learning the extent to which organizations address the pervasive symptomatology of complex developmental trauma that includes physiological, behavioral and emotional dysregulation. Students will learn trauma-informed organizational frameworks/interventions and how to translate these evidence-based practice principles into assessment and intervention across organization and community practice settings with children, youth and families.