Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: Full major status in Occupational Therapy.
This foundational course provides a broad and critical overview of occupational therapy (OT) practice through the context of time. The core concept of OT, occupation, will be presented against a backdrop of historical events, enabling the student to develop a basic understanding of the growth and development of OT as a health profession. Occupational science will be introduced as an academic discipline that examines OT’s core idea: occupation, and its role in human life and current and future OT practice. Occupational Therapy and related theories and frameworks will be introduced that form the basis of practice for OTs to establish, maintain, and restore occupational engagement, performance, participation, justice, and health. Clinical reasoning, standards of practice, values, and ethics, and professional roles of OTR & COTA will be introduced. Various professional, leadership, advocacy, and supervisory roles will be introduced and self-evaluated, culminating in a leadership development plan that students will reflect on and refine throughout the program.