Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'B-' or better in FILM 1610 OR FILM 2500 OR FILM 2510 OR FILM 2610
This practice-based course introduces students to sound-making for cinema and media arts. The course will provide a broad overview of audio from both technical and aesthetic perspectives, as well as covering professional workflows at all stages: pre-production, production, and post-production. Students in this course will develop their abilities to: design and select ambience, sound effects, music and dialogue tracks; customize sound recording kits for different recording situations; plan, record, edit and mix audio for picture using digital audio workstation (DAW) and non-linear video editing (NLVE) software. Those looking to pursue a career in film, animation, game design or theatre sound design should view this as a fundamental skills course.