Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C' or better in (MATH 1210 OR MATH 1215 OR MATH 1310 OR MATH 1311 OR AP Calc AB score of 4+ OR AP Calc BC score of 3+) AND (CHEM 1220 OR CHEM 1221 OR AP CHEM score of 4+)
Course Attribute:
This is an introduction course for Materials Science and Engineering undergraduate students and Biomedical Engineering undergraduate students emphasizing in Biomaterials. The course teaches the fundamental of how to predict the properties of materials based on microstructure. The students will be able to: 1) understand how atomic bonding is related to modulus, melting point, and thermal expansion, 2) differentiate between amorphous and crystalline materials on the basis of x-ray diffraction and crystallinity, 3) predict diffusion in solids and understand how this thermally activated, 4) understand how thermodynamics and kinetics combine to control the processing of advanced materials, 5) apply thermodynamics in understanding phase equilibria, 6) gain a basic understanding of what controls the electrical, optical, and thermal behavior of materials, and 7) be able to understand fundamental design considerations for materials selection. Laboratory experiments will illustrate these principles including work hardening, brittle fracture, and phase transformation. Laboratory safety, methods of literature search, data representation, elementary statistical analysis of data, routine property measurements, and report writing are emphasized.