Course Detail
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University Connected Learning
Qi Point Therapy, also called Channel Point Therapy or Acupressure, originated in China along with acupuncture and Qigong about 5,000 years ago. Eastern medicine was developed believing and trusting the human capacity to know what is wrong in the body and what needs to be done to activate one's own healing power. Medical Qigong Practitioner (MQP) Chantal Papillon will introduce you to a powerful non-intrusive approach you can apply for yourself. The Heal Yourself with Qi Point Therapy program offers a simple, easy-to-learn and natural tool to support your physical and emotional health by helping you increase your energy level, deal with pain, balance your immune function, and calm your mind. You can activate your natural ability to heal through gentle Qi Point Therapy technics and routines. You can experience similar effects and gain the same benefits as acupuncture treatment by pressing--rather than puncturing--the same powerful points on your body. This single-session lecture will preview a longer eight-week course to run in fall term.