Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C+' or better in ((SW 6001 AND SW 6002 AND SW 6030 AND SW 6040 AND SW 6110 AND SW 6120 AND SW 6140 AND SW 6240) OR (SW 6040 AND 6121 AND 6200)) AND Graduate Standing in Social Work
This course teaches advanced knowledge and skills in the area of Solution Focused Therapy (SFT). Specific emphasis regarding this model of therapy will stem from the works of Insoo Kim Berg and Peter De Jong. Students will develop a working knowledge of the strengths/solutions-based model that may be applied to specific problems/disorders such as depression, anxiety, anger, and marital/partner discord, child and adolescent disorders, personality disorders, substance abuse and other impulse disorders. Students will develop skills in utilizing solution-focused questions. Further, they will learn specific solution-based techniques associated with these models. Multiple methods of learning will be incorporated by utilizing the following: Didactic presentations, group discussions, role plays, videotaping the role play interviews as well as dealing with specific client problems. Students will be given the opportunity to review cases from their field experiences where this model is being applied.