Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in ((PHYS 2710 OR PHYS 3740) AND (PHYS 4070 OR PHYS 4080 OR PHYS 4090 OR ASTR 4070 OR ASTR 4080 OR ASTR 4090)) OR Graduate status in Physics/Astronomy
Course Attribute:
Honors Course
A core course intended for graduate students of Physics & Astronomy. This course explores the properties of present day galaxies and the evolution of galaxies over cosmic history based on recent results from multi-wavelength observations and simulations. Topics include Milky Way structure & populations; galaxy classification, morphology and dynamics; distance measurements; the interstellar medium; star formation and star formation rate indicators; chemical evolution; dynamical evidence for dark matter; dark matter halos; black holes and active galactic nuclei; galaxy interactions and mergers; the intergalactic medium; galaxy clusters and groups; and galaxy evolution from high-redshift observations and simulations.