Course Detail
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Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Danny Elfman's Percussion Concerto, written for acclaimed British percussionist Colin Currie, showcases the vast range of moods percussion instruments can create. But when it comes to the finale: "It's fast, it's exciting, it's fireworks, and it's a roof-raiser," says Elfman, best known for his colorful film scores. Opening the program is a work for solo marimba by Bryce Dessner of the alternative rock band The National. The pairing with Brahms' Romantic-era masterpiece, a symphony 14 years in the making, places this program as one of our season favorites. Oboist Luca de la Florin will present a half-hour preview lecture about the music, telling Osher members things to listen for, either during the Finishing Touches Rehearsal immediately after the lecture, or during one of the regular weekend performances. The Finishing Touches series gives audiences an opportunity to observe behind-the-scenes working rehearsals. Selections from the program will be rehearsed at the discretion of the conductor. After the lecture and before the rehearsal, enjoy complimentary brunch bites in the lobby, courtesy of various generous symphony sponsors and donors.