Course Detail
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University Connected Learning
What do you get when you bring together Albarino, Hondarrabi Zuri, Viura and Garnacha Blanca all together under one roof? Besides a roaring good time, here's a chance to catch a glimpse into the pure dynamism and great lengths to which a new generation of artisan winemakers across Spain go to secure the standing of Iberian white varietals on the world map of fine wine. From Galicia to Catalonia and the Basque Country in between, this journey across the northern swathe of the Spanish peninsula is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to experience single-parcel bottlings which rarely reach international consumers. Wine Educator Sheral Schowe and Terrestoria Wine Importer Stephanie Quadra will lead you through an unforgettable tasting of white wines from Spain in this very unique class!