Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Are you the same person you think you are? Are you the same person everyone else thinks you are? This one-day class will offer a few very short personality quizzes just for fun. There will be absolutely no real attempt to analyze you. And, you do not have to divulge the outcomes. Over an hour or so, we will do four or five exercises. These include the Sherwin Williams Color Preference, the short-form Enneagram, and even an old Meyers-Briggs initial quiz. The classic Myers-Briggs profile can be completed prior to class via a link to their website, either with their free online version or in a lengthier test for an additional fee. Participation in this is strictly optional, but those who pay the fee will receive a very detailed report and analysis. We will discuss participants' reactions to the findings. The Myers-Briggs Test is not mandatory as we will conduct other exercises during the 90-minute session. We will poll the class to see the range of personas indicated. What fun!