Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: "C-" or better in ((PHYS 3060 OR PHYS 4070 OR PHYS 4080 OR PHYS 4090 OR ASTR 3060 OR ASTR 4070 OR ASTR 4080 OR ASTR 4090) AND PHYS 3740 AND (MATH 3150 OR MATH 3140 OR MATH 5440)) OR Graduate status in Physics/Astronomy.
Course Attribute:
Honors Course
As a core astrophysics course, it will be taken by graduate students of Physics & Astronomy. Students will survey the properties of stars and star clusters (as laboratories for understanding stellar evolution). Topics include: properties of stars, including fundamental parameters, positions, distances, magnitudes & luminosities, radii, masses; nuclesythesis (i.e. energy generation); stellar evolution; stellar atmospheres spectra & spectral line analysis; interstellar reddening; colour-magnitude diagrams; properties of globular and open clusters; simple stellar populations, isochrones, age estimates, distance determinations, luminosity functions, mass functions; chemical compositions & determinations; formation and evolution of globular and open clusters; stellar populations in the context of the Milky Way.