Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Haven't held a paint brush since elementary school but have a desire to express yourself in color? Know nothing about painting or drawing? This course is for you. You will produce artwork that will make you proud. You will gain understanding of the basics, including the color wheel, blending, shading, contrast, and composition. You will experience the joy of creativity. You will be transported to a new world where nothing matters but color. This term we will spend three sessions on painting landscapes and three sessions on waterscapes. Students should bring to the first class a pad of watercolor paper (9 x 12 cold press 140 lb.), a cup for water, a roll of toilet paper, a minimum of three watercolor brushes (small #1-4 round, medium #8-10 round, and large #14 flat), pencil and eraser, 1 oz. liquid bottle of acrylic white, and a small bottle of mistic. If you have your own watercolors, bring them. Either buy a watercolor paint tray prefilled with a minimum of 8 colors, or buy a white, plastic, empty tray with between eight and 24 wells. If you do the latter, a list of which paint tubes to buy will be sent after registration. Class will be held via Zoom.