Departmental Advisors
Departmental Notes
For course descriptions and pre-requisite information click on the subject column next to the appropriate catalog number.
Attention: Classroom assignments may change between the time you
register and when classes begin. Please check your class schedule for the latest classroom location
information before attending class.
CMP 385 - 001 Nightscapes
CMP 385 - 001 Nightscapes
- Class Number: 18975
- Instructor: Ganesan, Vellachi
- Instructor: MAGARGAL, KATE
- Instructor: PACK, HANNAH
- Component: Seminar
- Type: Hybrid & IVC
- Units: 0.0
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $459.00
- Seats Available: 3
CMP 2010 - 001 Design Ecologies
Sections 2-10 belong to this lecture. This course requires registration for a lab section. Students will be automatically registered for this lecture section when registering for the pertinent lab section.
CMP 2010 - 001 Design Ecologies
- Class Number:
- Instructor: Rigolon, Alessandro
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Online
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $250.00
- Seats Available: 14
Sections 2-10 belong to this lecture. This course requires registration for a lab section. Students will be automatically registered for this lecture section when registering for the pertinent lab section.
CMP 2010 - 002 Design Ecologies
CMP 2010 - 002 Design Ecologies
- Class Number: 12202
- Instructor: RUIZ, PATRICK
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $250.00
- Seats Available: 0
CMP 2010 - 003 Design Ecologies
CMP 2010 - 003 Design Ecologies
- Class Number: 11974
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $250.00
- Seats Available: 1
CMP 2010 - 004 Design Ecologies
CMP 2010 - 004 Design Ecologies
- Class Number: 12203
- Instructor: DUBOIS, LUKE
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $250.00
- Seats Available: 0
CMP 2010 - 005 Design Ecologies
CMP 2010 - 005 Design Ecologies
- Class Number: 11975
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $250.00
- Seats Available: 5
CMP 2010 - 006 Design Ecologies
CMP 2010 - 006 Design Ecologies
- Class Number: 13764
- Instructor: MERRILL, MADISON
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $250.00
- Seats Available: 1
CMP 2010 - 007 Design Ecologies
CMP 2010 - 007 Design Ecologies
- Class Number: 13880
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $250.00
- Seats Available: 2
CMP 2010 - 008 Design Ecologies
CMP 2010 - 008 Design Ecologies
- Class Number: 16988
- Instructor: HEAD, BYRON
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $250.00
- Seats Available: -1
CMP 2010 - 009 Design Ecologies
CMP 2010 - 009 Design Ecologies
- Class Number: 16989
- Instructor: OSWALD, LILY
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: --
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $250.00
- Seats Available: 0
CMP 2010 - 010 Design Ecologies
CMP 2010 - 010 Design Ecologies
- Class Number: 16990
- Instructor: POTTER, BRADLEY
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: --
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $250.00
- Seats Available: -3
CMP 3150 - 001 City in Literature
CMP 3150 - 001 City in Literature
- Class Number: 16981
- Instructor: MALOY, MICHAEL
- Instructor: MCGRATH, MARK
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Hybrid & IVC
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
CMP 3270 - 001 Vis. & Oral Commun
Major status required.
CMP 3270 - 001 Vis. & Oral Commun
- Class Number: 7809
- Instructor: GAUGHRAN, MOLLY
- Instructor: WITCZAK, ANDI
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $250.00
- Seats Available: 9
Major status required.
CMP 3400 - 001 Economy of Cities
CMP 3400 - 001 Economy of Cities
- Class Number: 8939
- Instructor: CHOI, DONG-AH
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 10
CMP 3851 - 001 Nightscapes
CMP 3851 - 001 Nightscapes
- Class Number: 15451
- Instructor: Ganesan, Vellachi
- Instructor: MAGARGAL, KATE
- Instructor: PACK, HANNAH
- Component: Seminar
- Type: Hybrid & IVC
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 8
CMP 4020 - 001 Fld Stds in Urbn Eclg 2
CMP 4020 - 001 Fld Stds in Urbn Eclg 2
- Class Number: 14356
- Instructor: KIM, JA YOUNG
- Instructor: MEADOWS, EMILY
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 6
This course will occasionally meet in person at an off-campus location.
- Class Number: 16975
- Instructor: Garcia Zambrana, Ivis
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Hybrid & IVC
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
This course will occasionally meet in person at an off-campus location.
CMP 4280 - 001 Ecol Planning Wkshp
Westside Studio - This course will meet in the ARCH bldg.
CMP 4280 - 001 Ecol Planning Wkshp
- Class Number: 16084
- Instructor: ARNOLD, LIZ
- Instructor: Garcia Zambrana, Ivis
- Component: Studio
- Type: Hybrid & IVC
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $250.00
- Seats Available: 0
Westside Studio - This course will meet in the ARCH bldg.
CMP 4410 - 001 Site Planning
CMP 4410 - 001 Site Planning
- Class Number: 9886
- Instructor: AMELI, HASSAN
- Instructor: WARD, WHITNEY
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 0
CMP 4420 - 001 Neg & Dispute Resol
CMP 4420 - 001 Neg & Dispute Resol
- Class Number: 10844
- Instructor: Rumore, Danya
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 1
CMP 4450 - 002 GIS for Urban Ecol
Laptops required, see College of Architecture & Planning Policy:
CMP 4450 - 002 GIS for Urban Ecol
- Class Number: 12693
- Instructor: KIANI, FATEMEH
- Instructor: VAN TASSEL, EVAN
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 0
Laptops required, see College of Architecture & Planning Policy:
CMP 4460 - 001 Green Infrastructure
CMP 4460 - 001 Green Infrastructure
- Class Number: 16986
- Instructor: HINNERS, SARAH J
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Hybrid & IVC
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
CMP 4600 - 001 The Just City
CMP 4600 - 001 The Just City
- Class Number: 14355
- Instructor: CANHAM, SARAH
- Instructor: GALLAHER, JAKE
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: -3
CMP 4720 - 001 Land &Trans Planning
This is a Hybrid course, which uses a mixture of online, face-to-face, and technology enhanced instruction.
CMP 4720 - 001 Land &Trans Planning
- Class Number: 7806
- Instructor: EWING, REID
- Instructor: SABOURI, SADEGH
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Hybrid & IVC
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 11
This is a Hybrid course, which uses a mixture of online, face-to-face, and technology enhanced instruction.
CMP 4950 - 002 Undergraduate Research
Students need to submit Form to be able to enroll:
CMP 4950 - 002 Undergraduate Research
- Class Number: 13538
- Instructor: Mendoza, Daniel
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 2.0 - 4.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 2
Students need to submit Form to be able to enroll:
CMP 4954 - 001 Internship in Urb Ecol
CMP 4954 - 001 Internship in Urb Ecol
- Class Number: 7805
- Instructor: EWING, REID
- Component: Practicum
- Type: Hybrid & IVC
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 2
CMP 5160 - 001 Plan Making
Open to 4+1 students only. See CMP office for permission code.
CMP 5160 - 001 Plan Making
- Class Number: 18774
- Instructor: Rigolon, Alessandro
- Instructor: TAGORE, PRATITI
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Hybrid & IVC
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 2
Open to 4+1 students only. See CMP office for permission code.
CMP 5962 - 001 Recovery Planning Puerto Rico
“Recovery Planning in Puerto Rico” This 1-credit course will introduce students to concepts in disaster recovery management and to recovery conditions in Puerto Rico since the 2017 hurricane events. The course is open to any student interested in these subjects, but is particularly encouraged for students interested in taking Puerto Rico Lab in Summer 2021. Topics covered in this course will directly relate to work that will be done over the summer in the Puerto Rico Lab.
CMP 5962 - 001 Recovery Planning Puerto Rico
- Class Number: 19217
- Component: Special Topics
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: 1.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 18
“Recovery Planning in Puerto Rico” This 1-credit course will introduce students to concepts in disaster recovery management and to recovery conditions in Puerto Rico since the 2017 hurricane events. The course is open to any student interested in these subjects, but is particularly encouraged for students interested in taking Puerto Rico Lab in Summer 2021. Topics covered in this course will directly relate to work that will be done over the summer in the Puerto Rico Lab.
- Class Number: 16976
- Instructor: Garcia Zambrana, Ivis
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Hybrid & IVC
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 12
CMP 6150 - 001 City in Literature
CMP 6150 - 001 City in Literature
- Class Number: 16980
- Instructor: MALOY, MICHAEL
- Instructor: MCGRATH, MARK
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Hybrid & IVC
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 12
CMP 6160 - 001 Plan Making
CMP 6160 - 001 Plan Making
- Class Number: 14357
- Instructor: Rigolon, Alessandro
- Instructor: TAGORE, PRATITI
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Hybrid & IVC
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 2
CMP 6260 - 001 Land Use Law
CMP 6260 - 001 Land Use Law
- Class Number: 7807
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 2
CMP 6280 - 001 Graduate Workshop
Westside Studio
CMP 6280 - 001 Graduate Workshop
- Class Number: 16085
- Instructor: ARNOLD, LIZ
- Instructor: Garcia Zambrana, Ivis
- Component: Studio
- Type: Hybrid & IVC
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 1
Westside Studio
CMP 6280 - 002 Graduate Workshop
Small & Resort Town Planning. Students will work on general plan updates in Nephi City and Torrey Town in Utah.
CMP 6280 - 002 Graduate Workshop
- Class Number: 13808
- Instructor: PARKER, BRUCE
- Component: Studio
- Type: Hybrid & IVC
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
Small & Resort Town Planning. Students will work on general plan updates in Nephi City and Torrey Town in Utah.
CMP 6410 - 001 Site Development
CMP 6410 - 001 Site Development
- Class Number: 9885
- Instructor: AMELI, HASSAN
- Instructor: WARD, WHITNEY
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
CMP 6450 - 002 GIS in Planning
Laptops required, see College of Architecture & Planning Policy:
CMP 6450 - 002 GIS in Planning
- Class Number: 12694
- Instructor: KIANI, FATEMEH
- Instructor: VAN TASSEL, EVAN
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 2
Laptops required, see College of Architecture & Planning Policy:
CMP 6455 - 001 Advanced GIS Apps
CMP 6455 - 001 Advanced GIS Apps
- Class Number: 16979
- Instructor: HONG, ANDY
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
CMP 6620 - 001 Neg & Dispute Resol
CMP 6620 - 001 Neg & Dispute Resol
- Class Number: 10845
- Instructor: Rumore, Danya
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 0
CMP 6660 - 001 Green Infrastructure
CMP 6660 - 001 Green Infrastructure
- Class Number: 16985
- Instructor: HINNERS, SARAH J
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Hybrid & IVC
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
This is a Hybrid course, which uses a mixture of online, face-to-face, and technology enhanced instruction.
- Class Number: 7808
- Instructor: EWING, REID
- Instructor: SABOURI, SADEGH
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Hybrid & IVC
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 2
This is a Hybrid course, which uses a mixture of online, face-to-face, and technology enhanced instruction.
CMP 6950 - 003 Independent Study
CMP 6950 - 003 Independent Study
- Class Number: 13752
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 4.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 4
CMP 6954 - 002 Prof. Planning Intern.
Submit Internship Form 1 to enroll:
CMP 6954 - 002 Prof. Planning Intern.
- Class Number: 14353
- Instructor: HARWOOD, STACY A
- Component: Practicum
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: 1.0 - 4.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 9
Submit Internship Form 1 to enroll:
CMP 6960 - 001 Recovery Planning Puerto Rico
“Recovery Planning in Puerto Rico” - This 1-credit course will introduce students to concepts in disaster recovery management and to recovery conditions in Puerto Rico since the 2017 hurricane events. The course is open to any student interested in these subjects, but is particularly encouraged for students interested in taking Puerto Rico Lab in Summer 2021. Topics covered in this course will directly relate to work that will be done over the summer in the Puerto Rico Lab.
CMP 6960 - 001 Recovery Planning Puerto Rico
- Class Number: 19200
- Component: Special Topics
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: 1.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 8
“Recovery Planning in Puerto Rico” - This 1-credit course will introduce students to concepts in disaster recovery management and to recovery conditions in Puerto Rico since the 2017 hurricane events. The course is open to any student interested in these subjects, but is particularly encouraged for students interested in taking Puerto Rico Lab in Summer 2021. Topics covered in this course will directly relate to work that will be done over the summer in the Puerto Rico Lab.
CMP 6970 - 001 Professional Project I
CMP 6970 - 001 Professional Project I
- Class Number: 13094
- Instructor: HARWOOD, STACY A
- Component: Practicum
- Type: Hybrid & IVC
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 9
CMP 6971 - 001 Professional Project II
CMP 6971 - 001 Professional Project II
- Class Number: 9527
- Instructor: HARWOOD, STACY A
- Component: Practicum
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 1
CMP 7302 - 001 Qualitative Methods P/D
CMP 7302 - 001 Qualitative Methods P/D
- Class Number: 16982
- Instructor: CANHAM, SARAH
- Component: Lecture
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 7
CMP 7501 - 001 Ph.D. Research Seminar
CMP 7501 - 001 Ph.D. Research Seminar
- Class Number: 14354
- Instructor: KIM, JUNSIK
- Component: Seminar
- Type: Interactive Video Conferencing
- Units: 1.0 - 4.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 7
CMP 7930 - 001 Qualifying Exam
CMP 7930 - 001 Qualifying Exam
- Class Number: 13097
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
CMP 7930 - 002 Qualifying Exam
CMP 7930 - 002 Qualifying Exam
- Class Number: 13293
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 2
CMP 7930 - 003 Qualifying Exam
CMP 7930 - 003 Qualifying Exam
- Class Number: 13294
- Instructor: EWING, REID
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 2
CMP 7930 - 004 Qualifying Exam
CMP 7930 - 004 Qualifying Exam
- Class Number: 13295
- Instructor: Garcia Zambrana, Ivis
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
CMP 7930 - 005 Qualifying Exam
CMP 7930 - 005 Qualifying Exam
- Class Number: 13296
- Instructor: HARWOOD, STACY A
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
CMP 7930 - 006 Qualifying Exam
CMP 7930 - 006 Qualifying Exam
- Class Number: 13297
- Instructor: HINNERS, SARAH J
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
CMP 7930 - 007 Qualifying Exam
CMP 7930 - 007 Qualifying Exam
- Class Number: 13298
- Instructor: Rumore, Danya
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 2
CMP 7930 - 008 Qualifying Exam
CMP 7930 - 008 Qualifying Exam
- Class Number: 15444
- Instructor: Rigolon, Alessandro
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
CMP 7930 - 009 Qualifying Exam
CMP 7930 - 009 Qualifying Exam
- Class Number: 15445
- Instructor: CANHAM, SARAH
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
CMP 7930 - 010 Qualifying Exam
CMP 7930 - 010 Qualifying Exam
- Class Number: 16983
- Instructor: HONG, ANDY
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
CMP 7940 - 001 Diss. Research Proposal
CMP 7940 - 001 Diss. Research Proposal
- Class Number: 13098
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
CMP 7940 - 002 Diss. Research Proposal
CMP 7940 - 002 Diss. Research Proposal
- Class Number: 13299
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
CMP 7940 - 003 Diss. Research Proposal
CMP 7940 - 003 Diss. Research Proposal
- Class Number: 13300
- Instructor: EWING, REID
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 2
CMP 7940 - 004 Diss. Research Proposal
CMP 7940 - 004 Diss. Research Proposal
- Class Number: 13301
- Instructor: Garcia Zambrana, Ivis
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
CMP 7940 - 005 Diss. Research Proposal
CMP 7940 - 005 Diss. Research Proposal
- Class Number: 13302
- Instructor: HARWOOD, STACY A
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
CMP 7940 - 006 Diss. Research Proposal
CMP 7940 - 006 Diss. Research Proposal
- Class Number: 13303
- Instructor: HINNERS, SARAH J
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
CMP 7940 - 007 Diss. Research Proposal
CMP 7940 - 007 Diss. Research Proposal
- Class Number: 13304
- Instructor: Rumore, Danya
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
CMP 7940 - 008 Diss. Research Proposal
CMP 7940 - 008 Diss. Research Proposal
- Class Number: 15442
- Instructor: Rigolon, Alessandro
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
CMP 7940 - 009 Diss. Research Proposal
CMP 7940 - 009 Diss. Research Proposal
- Class Number: 15443
- Instructor: CANHAM, SARAH
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
CMP 7940 - 010 Diss. Research Proposal
CMP 7940 - 010 Diss. Research Proposal
- Class Number: 16984
- Instructor: HONG, ANDY
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
CMP 7950 - 001 Independent Study
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7950 - 001 Independent Study
- Class Number: 13095
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7950 - 002 Independent Study
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7950 - 002 Independent Study
- Class Number: 13305
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7950 - 003 Independent Study
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7950 - 003 Independent Study
- Class Number: 13306
- Instructor: EWING, REID
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7950 - 004 Independent Study
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7950 - 004 Independent Study
- Class Number: 13307
- Instructor: Garcia Zambrana, Ivis
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 2
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7950 - 005 Independent Study
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7950 - 005 Independent Study
- Class Number: 13308
- Instructor: HARWOOD, STACY A
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7950 - 006 Independent Study
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7950 - 006 Independent Study
- Class Number: 13309
- Instructor: HINNERS, SARAH J
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7950 - 007 Independent Study
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7950 - 007 Independent Study
- Class Number: 13310
- Instructor: Rumore, Danya
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7950 - 008 Independent Study
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7950 - 008 Independent Study
- Class Number: 15446
- Instructor: Rigolon, Alessandro
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7950 - 009 Independent Study
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7950 - 009 Independent Study
- Class Number: 15447
- Instructor: CANHAM, SARAH
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7950 - 010 Independent Study
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7950 - 010 Independent Study
- Class Number: 16977
- Instructor: HONG, ANDY
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 6.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
Signed independent study form required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 001 Dissertation
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 001 Dissertation
- Class Number: 13096
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 18.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 4
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 002 Dissertation
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 002 Dissertation
- Class Number: 13311
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 18.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 003 Dissertation
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 003 Dissertation
- Class Number: 13312
- Instructor: EWING, REID
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 18.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 0
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 004 Dissertation
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 004 Dissertation
- Class Number: 13313
- Instructor: Garcia Zambrana, Ivis
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 18.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 005 Dissertation
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 005 Dissertation
- Class Number: 13314
- Instructor: HARWOOD, STACY A
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 18.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 006 Dissertation
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 006 Dissertation
- Class Number: 13315
- Instructor: HINNERS, SARAH J
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 18.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 4
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 007 Dissertation
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 007 Dissertation
- Class Number: 13316
- Instructor: Rumore, Danya
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 18.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 008 Dissertation
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 008 Dissertation
- Class Number: 15448
- Instructor: Rigolon, Alessandro
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 18.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 009 Dissertation
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 009 Dissertation
- Class Number: 15449
- Instructor: CANHAM, SARAH
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 18.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 010 Dissertation
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.
CMP 7970 - 010 Dissertation
- Class Number: 16978
- Instructor: HONG, ANDY
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 18.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
Approved dissertation proposal required for permission code.