Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Our PMP® Exam Prep course is designed to prepare students to take the Professional Management Professional® Exam. This course is also designed to satisfy the 35 hours of project management education required by PMI® in order to qualify for the exam. Hands-on exercises will go through the principles and application of concepts. Students will receive the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®), a course workbook, and online exam simulation software as study guides. Students will also use iPads to go through simulated case studies, and PMP® games to further their practice. The PMP® credential is the most widely accepted professional certifications on the globe. Please note: this class provides you with an additional tool in your arsenal of study vehicles. It should augment and not replace other forms of study. This course provides Continuing Education Units (CEU) and Professional Development Units (PDU). Check with your industry association for approval requirements. The PMP Exam is not included in the certificate price. This course is offered in partnership with Milestone Management.