Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: "B-" or better in PED 5900 AND Instructor Consent.
Meets with PED 5901. This program is a unique opportunity for highly-motivated undergraduate and graduate students to be paired with physician mentors having expertise in clinical research. Students will assist physician mentors with various tasks that will give the students insight into the importance of clinical research for both patients and the academic community. Student time will be spent in a variety of clinical environments including the PICU, Emergency Department, and Outpatient Specialty Clinics within Primary Children's Hospital and the University Hospital. In addition to weekly lectures, students will spend a minimum of 6 hours/week in the Emergency Department assisting their mentor, and 3 hours/week enrolling patients in research studies. Due to high demand, students interested in taking this course must complete an application. Please contact for this application. There will be a mandatory Physician Extender course orientation in the Primary Children's Hospital ER on the Friday before classes begin. Information regarding hospital access paperwork will be published on Canvas and sent to each student's Umail account about one month prior to semester start date. Please check Canvas and Umail frequently for further updates.