Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: "C-" or better in (FINAN 3000 OR FINAN 3040 OR FINAN 3041) AND Full Major or Minor status in the David Eccles School of Business.
An undergraduate course for students who are considering a career in or working with Financial Institutions, or for business and other students who want to learn more about financial institutions. Course objectives include understanding the types of financial institutions, their roles and obligations, how the institutions operate and how to prepare for a career working with Financial Institutions. The course requires a basic understanding of business and finance. The course will consist of assigned reading, lecture and participation, case studies and presentations by industry professionals. There will be weekly quizzes and graded case study solutions. A feature of the course is a semester long investigation into one institution chosen by each student to develop an understanding of the development of the institution, its mission, products, services, markets and the people, policies, processes and technology that make the organization work. Students will evaluate the effectiveness of the institution and summarize their observations and conclusions in a paper, presented to class at the semester end.