Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: "C" or better in (BIOEN 3101 AND BIOEN 3301) AND Full Major status in Biomedical Engineering.
The goals of this course are to apply and solidify the techniques developed in the Biosignals Analysis course through a series of examples and explore the electronic implementation of associated devices. Again, the strategy will be heavily linked to specific examples and hands-on experience, this time through lab exercises. Example systems for this course include pulse oxymetry, real time glucose monitoring, ultrasound based flow measurements, and fluorescence imaging. In each example, the goal will be to build at least prototype devices using modular electronic elements. A further goal of the course will be to develop basic modeling approaches and apply them to a system from the BIOEN 3202 Physiology for Engineers class, which students would normally be taking together with this course.