Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: "C" or better in (MATH 4010 AND (MATH 4015 OR MATH 1050)).
Requirement Designation:
Quant Reason(Math & Stat/Log) & Quant Intensive BS
This is a continuation of MATH 4010, but deals with a different part of the mathematics curriculum. It is a content course that gives teachers a better understanding of topics in geometry appropriate to Grades K-6, including measurement, symmetry, geometric shapes, congruence and similarity. The course presents ideas from an intuitive perspective that prepares teachers to discuss geometry with children, and from a computational perspective to enable teachers to work with students to calculate distance, area and volume in both customary and metric units, measure angles, construct figures, and more. A brief discussion of topics in statistics and probability for Grades K-6 is also included. See the Utah State Core Curriculum at Teaching methods pertaining to this material are discussed in EDU 5360. Prerequisites for this course expire after one year.