Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: "C" or better in (ATSM 3400 AND ATSM 3401 AND ATSM 3420 AND ATSM 3430).
This course focuses on emergency care in the context of Athletic Training clinical practice. This course is intended to advance students’ ability to recognize and manage emergent medical situations occurring during athletic practices or competitions. This course is designed on the assumption that the Athletic Trainer will be the initial responder to emergent medical situations on the field of play / athletic venue and will need to manage and stabilize patients to the best of their ability until the arrival of emergency medical personnel or more highly trained providers. Content for this course will include but not be limited to preparation of Emergency Action Plans, Blood Borne Pathogen / Exposure Control Plans, physical examination of the critically injured athlete, acute management of fractures, acute control of bleeding, on the field examination of potential concussion, re-certification in BLS for Health Care Providers, Emergency Oxygen Administration, Blood Borne Pathogen, Basic First Aid, Anaphylaxis and Epinephrine Auto-Injector use. In addition students will demonstrate knowledge or skill in understanding and addressing asthma. As much as possible, these will be taught using current literature, interactive scenarios, and real-life applications. To (re)certify, students may be required to meet for 60 minutes outside of class time.