Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: "C-" or better in ((MATH1050AND1060)OR(AccuplacerCLM score of 80+ AND MATH1060) OR MATH(1080OR1210OR1310)) OR AP CalcAB score of 3+ OR AP CalcBC score of 3+ OR AccuplacerCLM score of 90+ OR ACT Math score of 28+ OR SAT Math score of 650+.
Requirement Designation:
Course Attribute:
Flexible Schedule
An algebra based physics course on the study of motion and heat. The course includes one-dimensional and two-dimensional kinematics, Newton's three laws of motion, circular motion, work and energy, momentum, rotational kinematics and dynamics, periodic motion, the three laws of Thermodynamics, temperature, and heat transfer. Three lectures and two recitations weekly. Intended for students seeking to enter medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, humanities, and behavioral and social sciences. Those wishing to take this course as a lecture-laboratory course should register concurrently for PHYS 2015.