Course Detail
Course Components:
Meets with: ECS 7833. This course examines the socio-historical, cultural and political contexts that structure the educational experiences of Latin@s in the U.S.; particular attention will be given to issues of cultural identity and representation as they affect the education of Latin@s. The course begins with a critical look at how Latin@ students have been socially constructed and moves toward a greater understanding of the policy, political, social, and economic forces shaping Latin@s' education. Essential inquiries we will explore: How do cultural constructions of Latin@s (immigrants & natives, regardless of immigration status) shape educational policy, programs and teaching practices for Latin@ students? What views of citizenship and identity underlie various educational programs and the response of Latin@s to these programs? Latin@ communities have a long history of demonstrations, organizing and activism around education, and their organizing efforts have been met with vicious opposition from mainstream individuals and policymakers. Examining organizing efforts, as well as other less observable forms of resistance to assimiliationist educational policies, we will explore: How have cultural identities and claims to cultural and educational rights shaped Latin@s' educational engagement? What new directions in research and practice are needed? In addition, we will explore transnationalism, or the social processes through which immigrants link their countries of origin with their communities in the U.S., and implications for the education of Latin@s. How do transnational cultural frames shape Latin@ immigrants' views, expectations, and experiences of the U.S. educational system? How do Latin@s cultivate new practices of engagement and resistance in the educational system?