Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Ahoy Club U campers! It's time to grab beach going gear, slather on your sunscreen, and find your friends because it's time to dive into the world of water with Club U! Strap on your goggles and flippers and relax in the lazy river, take a rip roarin' ride on the slides at Cherry Hill. Experiment with ways to keep your boat afloat or re-create the water cycle using your noggin and the scientific method. Set sail into the wilderness to explore the in-and-outs of streams and reservoirs! Dock your ships as you cool off indoors and laugh your socks off to some of the funniest improvisers in the state of Utah! We need all hands on deck when we head back out to splash and play and catch some rays at one of Utah's beautiful reservoirs.