Course Detail
3.0 - 6.0
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: Sophomore, Junior, OR Senior Standing AND ANTH 1010.
Internship applications are available from the Academic Advisor for students who acquire an internship placement on their own that is directly related to their major. To apply, students should submit the application along with a resume, 1-2 page proposal and the signature of a faculty member who agrees to monitor student learning and grade the student. An academic component is required, such as keeping a journal/reflection, assignments, readings and/or a final paper, which should tie the internship into coursework and anthropological theory/practice and should be outlined in the proposal. Internships must be approved by the Academic Advisor and Department Chair. May count towards an Anthropology elective or topical requirement and may be repeated twice for a total of 6 credit hours.