Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: "C-" or better in (ECE 5221 OR ECE 6221) AND Full Major status in (Electrical Engineering OR Computer Engineering).
Corequisites: "C-" or better in ECE 5233.
The lab is a compulsory section to the lecture Micro Actuators (ECE 5233/6233) and builds on ECE 5221/6221, Fundamentals of Micromachining. The lab will include the following topics: design and simulation of micro actuators, process design, packaging and assembly, characterization and testing of micro actuators. The first part of the lab will focus on the acquirement of additional technological skills and understanding of actuators. The first part of the lab will focus on the acquirement of additional technological skills and understanding of actuator characteristics as well as the fabrication, characterization and presentation of a variety of fully functional micro actuators. The second part of the lab will lead to project design with a goal to publish in highly prestigious international conferences.