Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisite: GEO 5525.
Meets with GEO 6530. A continuation of GEO 5525, this Petroleum Industry Career Path (PICP) course covers the basic principles of geologic interpretation of seismic reflection data, including potential pitfalls that all seismic interpreters should consider. Laboratory and in-class exercises will use real petroleum industry software and datasets - including both 2D paper lines and some experience with 3D workstation data - and emphasize practical applications of theories introduced in class. Labs will cover integration of outcrop and well-log data with seismic data (including synthetics), mapping and contouring techniques, and fundamentals of seismic stratigraphy, all with direct implications of hydrocarbon exploration. Offered second half of spring semester, following PICP 2a.