Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
1795 ENGL 1200 001 Intro Study Language 30 0 24 6
7118 ENGL 1200 002 Intro Study Language 35 0 19 16
10874 ENGL 1200 090 Intro Study Language 40 0 22 18
16444 ENGL 2040 001 Contemporary Lit 45 0 11 34
16445 ENGL 2070 001 Popular Culture 36 0 16 20
12612 ENGL 2220 001 Novels And Films 50 0 47 3
1799 ENGL 2300 001 Intro Shakespeare 40 0 13 27
9644 ENGL 2330 001 Intro to Children's Lit 50 0 26 24
1460 ENGL 2500 001 Intro Creative Writing 24 0 23 1
1461 ENGL 2500 002 Intro Creative Writing 25 0 21 4
1462 ENGL 2500 003 Intro Creative Writing 25 0 23 2
6197 ENGL 2500 005 Intro Creative Writing 25 0 19 6
16446 ENGL 2510 001 Intro Crtv Wrtg BK Arts 25 0 7 18
1464 ENGL 2600 001 Crit Intro To Lit Forms 35 0 27 8
13904 ENGL 2600 002 Crit Intro To Lit Forms 35 0 27 8
1465 ENGL 2600 003 Crit Intro To Lit Forms 35 0 33 2
1467 ENGL 2600 004 Crit Intro To Lit Forms 35 0 7 28
5701 ENGL 2600 005 Crit Intro To Lit Forms 35 0 9 26
7315 ENGL 3310 001 Intro English Grammar 18 0 12 6
10915 ENGL 3310 090 Intro English Grammar 80 0 48 32
1468 ENGL 3400 001 Intro Teach Lang Arts 35 0 13 22
6198 ENGL 3510 001 Writing Fiction 25 0 17 8
9645 ENGL 3510 002 Writing Fiction 25 0 22 3
1470 ENGL 3520 001 Writing Poetry 25 0 8 17
1476 ENGL 3600 001 Intr Critical Theory 35 0 26 9
1477 ENGL 3600 002 Intr Critical Theory 35 0 32 3
1478 ENGL 3600 003 Intr Critical Theory 35 0 22 13
12614 ENGL 3610 001 Argumentative Writing 25 0 18 7
1472 ENGL 3701 001 Intro Lit Hist 1 45 0 46 -1
16447 ENGL 3701 002 Intro Lit Hist 1 45 0 23 22
1473 ENGL 3702 001 Intro Lit Hist 2 45 0 39 6
16450 ENGL 3702 002 Intro Lit Hist 2 45 0 35 10
16451 ENGL 3761 001 African Amer Lit 2 45 0 13 32
11721 ENGL 3780 001 Global/Transnatnl Lit 45 0 37 8
1816 ENGL 4990 001 Directed Reading 20 0 0 20
1817 ENGL 4991 001 Internship 20 0 3 17
5250 ENGL 4992 001 Service Learning 60 0 12 48
10655 ENGL 4992 002 Service Learning 45 0 21 24
1818 ENGL 4999 001 Honors Thesis/Project 20 0 0 20
17968 ENGL 4999 012 Honors Thesis/Project 5 0 1 4
13905 ENGL 5000 001 Studies In Narrative 45 0 25 20
16452 ENGL 5010 001 Studies In Fiction 45 0 18 27
9646 ENGL 5030 001 Studies In Poetry 45 0 14 31
13906 ENGL 5050 001 Studies In Genre 40 0 31 9
16453 ENGL 5060 001 Studies Rhetoric/Style 15 0 7 8
16454 ENGL 5080 001 St Environmental Lit 40 0 8 32
1481 ENGL 5410 001 Meth-Tchg Lang Arts 1 25 0 29 -4
1482 ENGL 5510 001 Fiction Workshop 25 0 14 11
1483 ENGL 5520 001 Poetry Workshop 25 0 9 16
17194 ENGL 5530 001 Creative Nonfic Wkshp 25 0 22 3
11477 ENGL 5630 001 Adv Sem British Studies 15 0 15 0
11478 ENGL 5630 002 Adv Sem British Studies 15 0 13 2
10658 ENGL 5640 001 Adv Sem Amer Studies 15 0 13 2
12616 ENGL 5640 002 Adv Sem Amer Studies 15 0 14 1
16456 ENGL 5650 001 Adv Sem Comp Stds 15 0 9 6
16457 ENGL 5701 001 Chaucer 45 0 13 32
7572 ENGL 5711 001 Shakespeare 45 0 49 -4
16458 ENGL 5720 001 St Restor/18Th C Lit 40 0 24 16
13909 ENGL 5750 001 Studies 19Th C Amer Lit 45 0 25 20
16459 ENGL 5780 001 Studies 20Th C Amer Lit 45 0 34 11
13911 ENGL 5800 001 Studies Contemp Lit 45 0 32 13
9647 ENGL 5885 001 Adolescent Literature 45 0 41 4
13915 ENGL 5900 001 Form & Theory 45 0 26 19
10662 ENGL 5910 001 Studies Crit/Theory 40 0 20 20
16460 ENGL 5930 001 Theory Race/Eth/Nation 45 0 24 21
16461 ENGL 5940 001 Theory Gender/Sexuality 30 0 21 9
16463 ENGL 6350 001 Comp Theory & Research 10 0 5 5
1486 ENGL 6480 001 Lit Theory-Overview 23 0 23 0
16464 ENGL 6620 001 British Lit Renaissance 17 0 7 10
16465 ENGL 6680 001 20th Century Amer Lit 17 0 15 2
2706 ENGL 6890 001 Tchg Imaginative Wrtg 23 0 5 18
1822 ENGL 6910 001 Indiv Study Masters 25 0 2 23
1823 ENGL 6970 001 Thesis Research-Masters 25 0 2 23
1824 ENGL 6980 001 Faculty Consultation 25 0 2 23
12618 ENGL 7000 001 Experimental Forms 12 0 10 2
1487 ENGL 7040 001 Poetry Workshop 12 0 10 2
16683 ENGL 7460 001 Theory and Practice of Poetry 15 0 12 3
16466 ENGL 7770 001 Sem-Engl Lit 15 0 15 0
1826 ENGL 7910 001 Indiv Study Ph D 25 0 3 22
1829 ENGL 7970 001 Thesis Research-Ph D 35 0 18 17
1831 ENGL 7980 001 Faculty Consultation 25 0 0 25
1832 ENGL 7990 001 Cont Reg-Ph D 25 0 6 19