Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Prerequisites: "C-" or better in OIS 3660 OR Instructor Consent
Requirement Designation:
International Requirement
With rapid globalization, the production and delivery of services and goods increasingly involves multiple firms, and multiple units within a firm, spread across multiple continents. In Global Supply Chain Management (Global-SCM), we study how to improve performance of the individual firm as well as the supply chain network. Three important dimensions of any supply chain are (i) material flows (inventories), (ii) information flows, and (iii) the nature of the contractual arrangements among the various entities in the supply chain (incentives). How to align the Inventories-Information-Incentives (I3) of a supply chain operating in a global context is an important theme of this course. We will study the varied issues relating to Global-SCM through lectures, a variety of cases and games. Global-SCM is an essential course for any would-be consultant or entrepreneur, and for anyone aspiring to a senior management position.