Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Explore a relatively new art/craft medium-metal clay. This class covers the recent dramatic rise of a phenomenon in silver from Japan. American innovators have jumped in with bronze and copper versions, evoking the warmth and antiquity of peoples long gone. Inspired by the many artisans who have embraced metal clay in crafting incredible creations, participants will make several wearable art pieces. You will also learn basic jewelry fabrication techniques, such as wire wrapping and knotting. Easy for the novice to learn and very satisfying for experienced jewelry makers, too! All basic tools needed for class work are available during sessions. Bronze, copper, and silver metal clay for use in class will be available from the instructor. Typically, a student will spend between $50 and $100 on metal clay. Your cost will depend on how much and what types of materials you choose for your work. Tool kits and related supplies for special needs or work outside of class will be made available from the instructor at additional cost.