Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Effective Communication is something we all want. When we are a part of a dynamic communication experience, we get some amazing outcomes. In today's complex, demanding business environment, effective communication is a hallmark characteristic of influential people who get things done. Creating dynamic communication experiences, however, can be illusive and frustrating. This class will examine communication leadership. We will break down the basic elements of good communication to give you transformational insights and some simple things to develop meaningful communication connections with others. Course objectives: Develop a leadership perspective to enhance communication effectiveness, Learn the three primary, and four secondary goals of communication, and how to frame your message to maximize these seven goals. Identify the basic principles of effectively influencing others in your communication, understand the different ways in which we connect or disconnect with others through our communication, learn how to gain credibility by presenting your message from the perspective of the listener, understand your own communication biases and how they can create barriers that get in your way, identify communication strategies to respond to your listeners, needs rather than your own, differentiate between power and facilitation to communicate effectively, and learn ten strategies to present your message to get desired results.