Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Create beautiful textiles using the centuries-old batik method of wax-resist. You will be introduced to all components of this historically and culturally rich process, including wax recipes and applications, fiber reactive dyes, and mordant. You'll learn how to apply wax with brushes, stamps, tjantings, and other implements. You'll also receive extensive information on dyeing and finishing your batiks so that they are colorfast. All experience levels can benefit from this class and achieve beautiful effects on fabric; you'll even take home a batik project or two of your own making! No artistic experience is necessary. Special fee covers dyes, fabric, waxes, mordants, use of tools for waxing, and an iron for removing wax. Students are responsible for some supplies; please find a list online or call 801-587-5433. Class is limited to 10.