Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
11082 THEA 113 001 Survey of Theatre 5 0 0 5
14890 THEA 123 001 Make up 1 0 0 1
15004 THEA 133 003 Acting I 1 0 0 1
8125 THEA 321 001 Tai Chi Yoga Movement 3 0 1 2
8450 THEA 321 004 Tai Chi Yoga Movement 3 0 0 3
1905 THEA 1013 001 Survey of Theatre 20 0 17 3
14222 THEA 1013 090 Survey of Theatre 70 0 16 54
1909 THEA 1033 001 Acting I for Non Majors 35 0 32 3
1911 THEA 1033 002 Acting I for Non Majors 24 0 21 3
1941 THEA 1033 003 Acting I for Non Majors 24 0 24 0
1946 THEA 1033 004 Acting I for Non Majors 24 0 20 4
13292 THEA 1033 005 Acting I for Non Majors 24 0 26 -2
13914 THEA 1033 006 Acting I for Non Majors 35 0 32 3
13915 THEA 1033 007 Acting I for Non Majors 24 0 25 -1
17390 THEA 1033 008 Acting I for Non Majors 24 0 26 -2
6227 THEA 1040 090 Dram Arts/Television 70 0 49 21
8330 THEA 1040 091 Dram Arts/Television 70 0 19 51
2056 THEA 1050 001 Intr Vis Arts Of Theat 60 0 7 53
1980 THEA 1120 001 Acting I (Majors) 25 0 22 3
1984 THEA 1160 001 Production Babcock 25 0 24 1
1987 THEA 1170 001 Production Lab 25 0 22 3
1990 THEA 1220 001 1st Yr Act ATP 30 0 23 7
16608 THEA 1220 002 1st Yr Act ATP 24 0 25 -1
5851 THEA 1223 001 Make up 25 0 23 2
1981 THEA 1550 001 Scenography 30 0 34 -4
7309 THEA 1550 002 Scenography 6 0 9 -3
7310 THEA 1550 003 Scenography 6 0 5 1
7342 THEA 1550 004 Scenography 10 0 10 0
7343 THEA 1550 005 Scenography 6 0 4 2
7344 THEA 1550 006 Scenography 6 0 6 0
10362 THEA 1713 001 Script Analysis 99 0 80 19
1991 THEA 1770 001 Black Theatre 30 0 20 10
1992 THEA 2010 001 Second YR Singing ATP 25 0 21 4
7348 THEA 2033 001 Acting II: Non-Majors 26 0 26 0
1996 THEA 2060 001 2nd Yr V/S ATP 25 0 21 4
16631 THEA 2203 001 Costume Const. 20 0 18 2
1994 THEA 2220 001 2nd Yr Act ATP 25 0 21 4
1997 THEA 2240 001 2nd Yr Move ATP 25 0 21 4
9901 THEA 2420 001 Intro to Playwriting 30 0 17 13
8274 THEA 3001 001 Zen, Eastern Theatre 40 0 25 15
1993 THEA 3010 001 Third Year Singing ATP 20 0 14 6
14673 THEA 3015 001 Materials & Methods 20 0 16 4
7299 THEA 3040 001 Intro to Voice/Speech 25 0 15 10
12526 THEA 3040 002 Intro to Voice/Speech 25 0 22 3
15633 THEA 3050 001 Theatre Singing 45 0 34 11
2011 THEA 3070 001 3rd Yr Voice/Speech ATP 25 0 14 11
2014 THEA 3110 001 Beg Stage Directing 25 0 17 8
2016 THEA 3170 001 3rd Yr Act/Styles ATP 25 0 14 11
2025 THEA 3210 001 Tai-Chi Yoga Movement 25 0 13 12
14304 THEA 3210 002 Tai-Chi Yoga Movement 25 0 20 5
2922 THEA 3210 004 Tai-Chi Yoga Movement 25 0 18 7
12836 THEA 3210 006 Tai-Chi Yoga Movement 25 0 22 3
7203 THEA 3230 001 Audition Tech I 25 0 14 11
8891 THEA 3260 001 Third YR Movement ATP 20 0 14 6
1995 THEA 3600 001 Stage Management 20 0 16 4
7300 THEA 3720 001 History Of Theatre 70 0 61 9
12735 THEA 3725 001 History of Theatre-HON 10 0 5 5
15635 THEA 3792 001 Queer Theatre 60 0 27 33
4449 THEA 3910 001 PADP Set Proj I 10 0 0 10
11469 THEA 3911 001 PADP Ltg Proj I 10 0 2 8
11470 THEA 3912 001 PADP Stg Mgmt Proj I 10 0 7 3
11471 THEA 3913 001 PADP Tech Proj I 10 0 0 10
11472 THEA 3914 001 PADP Costume Proj I 10 0 1 9
11473 THEA 3915 001 PADP Sound Proj I 10 0 1 9
11474 THEA 3916 001 PADP MakeUP Proj I 15 0 0 15
2003 THEA 3920 001 Beg Performance Project 20 0 8 12
16416 THEA 3920 004 Beg Performance Project 5 0 0 5
17165 THEA 3930 002 Undergrad Research Proj 5 0 2 3
10866 THEA 3930 003 Undergrad Research Proj 10 0 3 7
9086 THEA 3940 001 Studio Design 25 0 1 24
2012 THEA 4090 001 4th Yr Voice/Speech ATP 25 0 11 14
8844 THEA 4250 001 Fourth Yr Movement ATP 20 0 10 10
15632 THEA 4310 001 Scene Design II 50 0 3 47
15637 THEA 4320 001 Scene Painting 20 0 3 17
13924 THEA 4330 001 Dramaturgy 25 0 3 22
16589 THEA 4335 001 Honors Dramaturgy 5 0 2 3
15638 THEA 4460 001 Costume Design II 30 0 5 25
14338 THEA 4490 001 Lighting Design II 20 0 4 16
16406 THEA 4500 001 Sound Design II 10 0 4 6
16333 THEA 4600 001 Adv Stage Management 30 0 3 27
16334 THEA 4702 001 Topical Theatre 30 0 14 16
8331 THEA 4800 001 PADP Intern 15 0 0 15
2046 THEA 4910 001 PADP Set Proj II 10 0 0 10
11475 THEA 4911 001 PADP Ltg Proj II 10 0 1 9
11476 THEA 4912 001 PADP Stg Mgmt Proj II 10 0 5 5
11477 THEA 4913 001 PADP Tech Proj II 10 0 0 10
11478 THEA 4914 001 PADP Costume Proj II 20 0 2 18
11479 THEA 4915 001 PADP Sound Proj II 5 0 1 4
11480 THEA 4916 001 PADP MakeUP Proj II 15 0 1 14
14294 THEA 4919 001 Indiv. Performance Proj 70 0 33 37
2049 THEA 4950 001 Individ Stage Mgt Proj 10 0 2 8
8273 THEA 4960 001 Portfolio Prep 15 0 5 10
5773 THEA 4999 001 Hon Thesis/Project 1 0 0 1
16335 THEA 4999 002 Hon Thesis/Project 5 0 1 4
2053 THEA 6950 001 Grad Research Projects 5 0 0 5
17350 THEA 6950 002 Grad Research Projects 5 0 1 4