Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
This five-day Academy provides participants with the most up-to-date best practices in cash management, banking services, communication, investment policies and practices, debt management, internal controls, pension and benefits administration, automation and technology, cash handling, revenue collections, and new revenue sources. The Academy program provides a three-year rotating curriculum, information, and material that qualify participants for the Certified Public Finance Administrator (CPFA) certification awarded by APT US&C. In addition, the Academy offers participants helpful knowledge for the environments in which they work and opportunities to network with other public treasury and finance professionals. Instructors will be drawn from the University community, state and local agencies, and the private sector to meet curricular goals. Instructors will be selected based on their subject-matter expertise and their ability to create a meaningful learning environment for participants. In addition, UAPT will recommend instructors who have been well-received at past Academies