Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
9027 ANTH 110 001 Culture & Human Experience 3 0 0 3
8932 ANTH 110 002 Culture & Human Experience 3 0 0 3
9028 ANTH 120 002 Human Origin Evol/Diver 3 0 1 2
16675 ANTH 222 001 Intro to Forensic Anth 3 0 0 3
9031 ANTH 231 001 Archaeology 3 0 0 3
9032 ANTH 311 001 First Nations of Wstn N. Amrca 3 0 1 2
8933 ANTH 313 001 Peoples/Culture Mid E 5 0 0 5
9033 ANTH 332 001 Mesoamerican Archaeology 2 0 0 2
8934 ANTH 396 001 Special Topics 3 0 0 3
9034 ANTH 417 001 Myth, Magic & Religion 3 0 2 1
13536 ANTH 435 001 Symbolic Anthropology 5 0 1 4
10600 ANTH 1000 001 Intro to Anthropology 100 0 64 36
10601 ANTH 1000 090 Intro to Anthropology 80 0 68 12
1348 ANTH 1010 001 Culture & Human Exper 176 0 139 37
5721 ANTH 1010 002 Culture & Human Exper 45 0 29 16
7024 ANTH 1010 090 Culture & Human Exper 100 0 70 30
6460 ANTH 1020 001 Human Origin Evol/Diver 100 0 63 37
5628 ANTH 1020 002 Human Origin Evol/Diver 47 0 22 25
8184 ANTH 1020 020 Human Origin Evol/Diver 40 0 4 36
6074 ANTH 1020 090 Human Origin Evol/Diver 60 0 42 18
1356 ANTH 1030 001 World Prehistory: Intro 46 0 38 8
7609 ANTH 1030 090 World Prehistory: Intro 38 0 26 12
1357 ANTH 1050 001 Evolution Human Nature 119 0 91 28
9180 ANTH 1050 090 Evolution Human Nature 60 0 52 8
16453 ANTH 2017 002 Human Heritage 35 0 25 10
7026 ANTH 2018 001 Human Universals 50 0 22 28
9759 ANTH 2020 001 Human Evolution 40 0 34 6
7721 ANTH 2030 001 Archaeology 47 0 41 6
7032 ANTH 2031 001 Rise of Civilization 50 0 48 2
16713 ANTH 2040 001 Anthropology of Humor 22 0 1 21
13528 ANTH 2220 001 Intro to Forensic Anth 35 0 16 19
13529 ANTH 3001 001 Study Resources Anthro 20 0 20 0
10076 ANTH 3111 001 First Nations E N Amer 48 0 27 21
5815 ANTH 3112 001 First Nations W N Amer 50 0 29 21
16714 ANTH 3125 001 Silk Road 25 0 0 25
15822 ANTH 3127 001 Peoples of Europe 33 0 10 23
8866 ANTH 3131 001 Peoples/Culture Mid E 42 0 44 -2
15321 ANTH 3142 001 Tibetan Civilization 40 0 35 5
8864 ANTH 3322 001 Mesoamerican Archaeolgy 45 0 30 15
15714 ANTH 3329 001 Anth Arch Anc Egypt 40 0 23 17
3005 ANTH 3969 001 Special Topics 20 0 13 7
12722 ANTH 3969 005 Special Topics 55 0 5 50
15329 ANTH 4134 001 Anthropology Human Mind 30 0 21 9
10958 ANTH 4135 001 Symbolic Anthropology 45 0 32 13
15333 ANTH 4165 001 History Of Anthropology 28 0 5 23
6506 ANTH 4171 001 Myth Magic Religion 45 0 32 13
10597 ANTH 4231 001 Human Biol Diversity 25 0 18 7
12724 ANTH 4255 001 Race and Culture 50 0 8 42
12726 ANTH 4271 001 Human Osteology 25 0 12 13
10602 ANTH 4272 001 Forensic Anthropology 25 0 10 15
10594 ANTH 4281 090 Primates 40 0 30 10
6507 ANTH 4291 001 Evolution Human Health 95 0 40 55
9764 ANTH 4461 001 Behavioral Ecol/Anthro 18 0 11 7
2773 ANTH 4950 001 Undergraduate Research 10 0 0 10
15712 ANTH 4962 002 Special Topics-Topical 5 0 1 4
8182 ANTH 4962 090 Special Topics-Topical 50 0 36 14
14573 ANTH 4990 001 Ind Res: Health Track 5 0 2 3
15931 ANTH 4990 002 Ind Res: Health Track 3 0 1 2
2775 ANTH 4999 001 Honors Thesis/Project 10 0 0 10
10596 ANTH 5221 001 Human Evol Genetics 20 0 10 10
14286 ANTH 5221 002 Human Evol Genetics 20 0 10 10
8865 ANTH 5322 001 Mesoamerican Archaeolgy 3 0 1 2
9765 ANTH 5461 001 Behavioral Ecol/Anthro 7 0 3 4
2777 ANTH 5711 001 Stu Ind Research Group 10 0 3 7
15713 ANTH 5962 002 Special Topics-Topical 5 0 5 0
9769 ANTH 5962 090 Special Topics-Topical 5 0 4 1
2933 ANTH 5969 001 Special Topics 5 0 0 5
15716 ANTH 5969 005 Special Topics 3 0 0 3
12329 ANTH 6100 001 Proseminar in Anthr I 15 0 8 7
10960 ANTH 6111 001 First Nations E N Amer 2 0 0 2
7657 ANTH 6112 001 First Nations W N Amer 5 0 2 3
15823 ANTH 6127 001 Peoples of Europe 5 0 3 2
8867 ANTH 6131 001 Peoples/Culture Mid E 2 0 2 0
15330 ANTH 6134 001 Anthropology Human Mind 5 0 1 4
10959 ANTH 6135 001 Symbolic Anthropology 5 0 2 3
15322 ANTH 6142 001 Tibetan Civilization 5 0 3 2
16601 ANTH 6165 001 History of Anthropology 5 0 5 0
10236 ANTH 6171 001 Myth Magic & Relig 10 0 0 10
12330 ANTH 6200 001 Proseminar in Anth II 15 0 9 6
10598 ANTH 6231 001 Human Biol Diversity 10 0 2 8
12725 ANTH 6255 001 Race and Culture 5 0 1 4
12727 ANTH 6271 001 Human Osteology 5 0 5 0
7658 ANTH 6291 001 Evolution Human Health 3 0 3 0
15715 ANTH 6329 001 Anth Arch Anc Egypt 3 0 0 3
7152 ANTH 6498 001 Pblms In Evol Anthro 20 0 7 13
2779 ANTH 6950 001 Individual Study 10 0 1 9
2780 ANTH 6970 001 Thesis Research-Masters 10 0 0 10
2781 ANTH 6980 001 Faculty Consultation 10 0 0 10
2782 ANTH 7910 001 Individual Research 10 0 1 9
10114 ANTH 7910 016 Individual Research 10 0 0 10
2783 ANTH 7920 001 Guided Reading 10 0 0 10
16872 ANTH 7920 017 Guided Reading 5 0 2 3
2784 ANTH 7970 001 Thesis Research-PhD 10 0 3 7
17047 ANTH 7970 016 Thesis Research-PhD 5 0 1 4
2785 ANTH 7980 001 Faculty Consultation 10 0 0 10
2786 ANTH 7990 001 Cont Reg-PhD 10 0 8 2