Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Youth Academy of Excellence: Join us for a writing class that explores all the different possibilities for letting your voice be heard! In this class you'll discover fun and safe ways to enter the world of 'blogging', publish a class magazine, write letters to the editor and discover many more avenues for finding audiences for your teen age voice. We'll look at the role writing plays in the workplace and sharpen your own creative and persuasive writing skills. It's a week designed for you to explore many different writing genres, rub shoulders with other young writers, and give you a chance to raise your writer's voice! ***Note to parents: The 'blog' we create as part of this class will be a private 'blog' monitored carefully by the instructor and only accessible to the members of our YAE class. Internet safety will be taught and enforced as students learn to use this great internet tool for writers.