Course Detail
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Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
Have you ever eaten a pea straight from the pod or bitten into a peach right from the tree? Fresh food is good food--good for you and good tasting--and if it's grown locally, it's also good for your community and planet. Eating locally is more than a trend--it's a re-discovery of regional identity, a direct way to support the local economy, and a way to help reduce our nation's dependence on oil by eliminating costly transport. How can you incorporate Utah's myriad agricultural and artisan food products into your shopping list? By becoming a 'locavore'! We'll show you where to find local farmers, bakers, ranchers, beekeepers, and cheese makers, then offer up tips on how to enjoy these tasty, healthful products year round. We will also provide information on local food co-ops and community gardens. Join the enthusiastic members of Slow Food Utah as they show you how eating locally is deliciously possible.