Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
This course will provide an overview of United States History with special attention given to certain topics. Today, the U.S has the third largest population in the world (after China and India) and the world's oldest constitutional democracy. Why did the United States grow as a nation so quickly? What historical and governmental structures made this possible? How did the United States emerge as a world power? How are Americans and America's government viewed in the world today? This course highlights America's Declaration of Independence (1776), United States Constitution (1787), and Bill of Rights (1791) in order to understand the American people today. We will examine America's constitutional democracy with special attention given to its three branches of government -- legislative branch (Congress), executive branch (President), judicial branch (Supreme Court). The role of an independent media will be examined -- with attention given to cable television and the Internet. America's 43 Presidents will be studied -- with special attention given to America's historical and present role in the world. This course will utilize some short video explanations as well as frequent use of a map of the United States. The teacher will encourage class discussion and will want students to ask questions during class meetings.