Course Detail
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Enrollment Information
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University Connected Learning
Swing is king, so be part of the scene. Basics of triple-rhythm swing will be taught in this exciting class. This dance is good for faster music (big band, 50's and 60's, and country). It's fun, easy to learn, and very versatile. No experience necessary. Couples and singles of all ages are welcome. Feel free to bring a video camera to class; you may tape the instructor demonstrating moves after class for home practice. Elizabeth 'Bug' Brockway began dancing professionally as a child. Following a stint with the Joffrey Ballet of Chicago, she taught and competed nationally in ballroom as a member of the BYU Ballroom Team. In addition, she has competed and taught swing dancing internationally and has won numerous national championships. Bug is the founder and owner of the Utah Swing Dance Association. Thomas Allen has won numerous national championships and placed fourth at the London World Lindy Hop Championships in 2004.