Course Detail
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Course Attribute:
University Connected Learning
If you enjoyed Leadership in Training (LIT) the first time, you are going to flip for this NEW class! Discover valuable job experience that will look great on resumes and can also help you in school! Turn good leadership skills into GREAT leadership ability! Sharpen your talents and teaching skills while helping younger students through games and activities that you create! Make new friends, take cool field trips, and 'chill' with awesome people. There will be no boring lectures and dull activitites in this class. If you remember the first LIT, you know that this is more than just boring lectures and sitting around. Take advantage of an opportunity to get out and enjoy the wonderful world around us. Rock Climbing, swimming, and hiking are just some of the great things that we may do! Students who have completed LIT II or other CIT programs are encouraged to apply for positions at Club U.