Departmental Advisors
Undergraduate Studies Office
D. Christensen
MEB 2480
Graduate Studies Office
R. D. Rabbit
MEB 2478
Departmental Notes
For course descriptions and pre-requisite information click on the subject column next to the appropriate catalog number.
Attention: Classroom assignments may change between the time you
register and when classes begin. Please check your class schedule for the latest classroom location
information before attending class.
BIOEN 1101 - 001 Funds Bioengineering I
Sections 2-6 belong to this lecture. This course requires registration for a lab and/or discussion section. Students will be automatically registered for this lecture section when registering for the pertinent lab and/or discussion section.
BIOEN 1101 - 001 Funds Bioengineering I
- Class Number:
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $30.00
- Seats Available: 7
Sections 2-6 belong to this lecture. This course requires registration for a lab and/or discussion section. Students will be automatically registered for this lecture section when registering for the pertinent lab and/or discussion section.
BIOEN 1101 - 002 Funds Bioengineering I
BIOEN 1101 - 002 Funds Bioengineering I
- Class Number: 8225
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $30.00
- Seats Available: 1
BIOEN 1101 - 003 Funds Bioengineering I
BIOEN 1101 - 003 Funds Bioengineering I
- Class Number: 8226
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $30.00
- Seats Available: 2
BIOEN 1101 - 004 Funds Bioengineering I
BIOEN 1101 - 004 Funds Bioengineering I
- Class Number: 8227
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $30.00
- Seats Available: -1
BIOEN 1101 - 005 Funds Bioengineering I
BIOEN 1101 - 005 Funds Bioengineering I
- Class Number: 8228
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $30.00
- Seats Available: 3
BIOEN 1101 - 006 Funds Bioengineering I
BIOEN 1101 - 006 Funds Bioengineering I
- Class Number: 8229
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $30.00
- Seats Available: -3
BIOEN 1510 - 095 Science Without Walls
Exams will be held at the Bountiful Extension Site. For class number and additional information see the Distance Education web site at A COURSE MANUAL IS REQUIRED FOR EACH TELECOURSE YOU TAKE. You can get one at 2180 Annex or at any of the satellite locations.
BIOEN 1510 - 095 Science Without Walls
- Class Number: 3200
- Instructor: ANDRADE, JOSEPH D
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $28.00
- Seats Available: 24
Exams will be held at the Bountiful Extension Site. For class number and additional information see the Distance Education web site at A COURSE MANUAL IS REQUIRED FOR EACH TELECOURSE YOU TAKE. You can get one at 2180 Annex or at any of the satellite locations.
BIOEN 1510 - 096 Science Without Walls
Exams will be held at the Murray Extension Site. For class number and additional information see the Distance Education web site at A COURSE MANUAL IS REQUIRED FOR EACH TELECOURSE YOU TAKE. You can get one at 2180 Annex or at any of the satellite locations.
BIOEN 1510 - 096 Science Without Walls
- Class Number: 3201
- Instructor: ANDRADE, JOSEPH D
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $28.00
- Seats Available: 24
Exams will be held at the Murray Extension Site. For class number and additional information see the Distance Education web site at A COURSE MANUAL IS REQUIRED FOR EACH TELECOURSE YOU TAKE. You can get one at 2180 Annex or at any of the satellite locations.
BIOEN 1510 - 097 Science Without Walls
Exams will be held on Campus. For class number and additional information see the Distance Education web site at A COURSE MANUAL IS REQUIRED FOR EACH TELECOURSE YOU TAKE. You can get one at 2180 Annex or at any of the satellite locations.
BIOEN 1510 - 097 Science Without Walls
- Class Number: 3202
- Instructor: ANDRADE, JOSEPH D
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $28.00
- Seats Available: 23
Exams will be held on Campus. For class number and additional information see the Distance Education web site at A COURSE MANUAL IS REQUIRED FOR EACH TELECOURSE YOU TAKE. You can get one at 2180 Annex or at any of the satellite locations.
BIOEN 1510 - 098 Science Without Walls
Exams will be held at the Sandy Extension Site. For class number and additional information see the Distance Education web site at A COURSE MANUAL IS REQUIRED FOR EACH TELECOURSE YOU TAKE. You can get one at 2180 Annex or at any of the satellite locations.
BIOEN 1510 - 098 Science Without Walls
- Class Number: 3203
- Instructor: ANDRADE, JOSEPH D
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $28.00
- Seats Available: 24
Exams will be held at the Sandy Extension Site. For class number and additional information see the Distance Education web site at A COURSE MANUAL IS REQUIRED FOR EACH TELECOURSE YOU TAKE. You can get one at 2180 Annex or at any of the satellite locations.
BIOEN 1510 - 099 Science Without Walls
Exams will be held at the Park City Extension Site. For class number and additional information see the Distance Education web site at A COURSE MANUAL IS REQUIRED FOR EACH TELECOURSE YOU TAKE. You can get one at 2180 Annex or at any of the satellite locations.
BIOEN 1510 - 099 Science Without Walls
- Class Number: 3204
- Instructor: ANDRADE, JOSEPH D
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $28.00
- Seats Available: 5
Exams will be held at the Park City Extension Site. For class number and additional information see the Distance Education web site at A COURSE MANUAL IS REQUIRED FOR EACH TELECOURSE YOU TAKE. You can get one at 2180 Annex or at any of the satellite locations.
BIOEN 2000 - 001 Careers Biomed Eng
BIOEN 2000 - 001 Careers Biomed Eng
- Class Number: 10019
- Instructor: HORCH, KEN
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 44
BIOEN 3201 - 001 Human Physiology I
Sections 2-4 belong to this lecture. This course requires registration for a lab and/or discussion section. Students will be automatically registered for this lecture section when registering for the pertinent lab and/or discussion section.
BIOEN 3201 - 001 Human Physiology I
- Class Number:
- Instructor: STEWART, RUSSELL
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 4.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $30.00
- Seats Available: 10
Sections 2-4 belong to this lecture. This course requires registration for a lab and/or discussion section. Students will be automatically registered for this lecture section when registering for the pertinent lab and/or discussion section.
BIOEN 3201 - 002 Human Physiology I
BIOEN 3201 - 002 Human Physiology I
- Class Number: 9054
- Instructor: STEWART, RUSSELL
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $30.00
- Seats Available: 0
BIOEN 3201 - 003 Human Physiology I
BIOEN 3201 - 003 Human Physiology I
- Class Number: 9055
- Instructor: STEWART, RUSSELL
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $30.00
- Seats Available: 9
BIOEN 4201 - 001 Bioeng Project I
BIOEN 4201 - 001 Bioeng Project I
- Class Number: 8801
- Instructor: BROADHEAD, KELLY W
- Instructor: HORCH, KEN
- Instructor: Kiser, Patrick
- Instructor: RABBITT, RICHARD
- Component: Special Projects
- Type: In Person
- Units: 2.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 6
BIOEN 5020 - 001 Intractve Science Exhib
BIOEN 5020 - 001 Intractve Science Exhib
- Class Number: 8249
- Instructor: ANDRADE, JOSEPH D
- Component: Special Projects
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 10
BIOEN 5101 - 001 Bioinstrumentation
Sections 2-3 belong to this lecture. This course requires registration for a lab and/or discussion section. Students will be automatically registered for this lecture section when registering for the pertinent lab and/or discussion section.
BIOEN 5101 - 001 Bioinstrumentation
- Class Number:
- Instructor: ZENG, LARRY L
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 4.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $40.00
- Seats Available: 10
Sections 2-3 belong to this lecture. This course requires registration for a lab and/or discussion section. Students will be automatically registered for this lecture section when registering for the pertinent lab and/or discussion section.
BIOEN 5101 - 002 Bioinstrumentation
BIOEN 5101 - 002 Bioinstrumentation
- Class Number: 9056
- Instructor: ZENG, LARRY L
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $40.00
- Seats Available: 8
BIOEN 5101 - 003 Bioinstrumentation
BIOEN 5101 - 003 Bioinstrumentation
- Class Number: 9057
- Instructor: ZENG, LARRY L
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $40.00
- Seats Available: 2
BIOEN 5201 - 001 Biomechanics
Sections 2-3 belong to this lecture. This course requires registration for a lab and/or discussion section. Students will be automatically registered for this lecture section when registering for the pertinent lab and/or discussion section.
BIOEN 5201 - 001 Biomechanics
- Class Number:
- Instructor: WEISS, JEFFREY
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 4.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $50.00
- Seats Available: 0
Sections 2-3 belong to this lecture. This course requires registration for a lab and/or discussion section. Students will be automatically registered for this lecture section when registering for the pertinent lab and/or discussion section.
BIOEN 5201 - 002 Biomechanics
BIOEN 5201 - 002 Biomechanics
- Class Number: 9058
- Instructor: WEISS, JEFFREY
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $50.00
- Seats Available: 0
BIOEN 5201 - 003 Biomechanics
BIOEN 5201 - 003 Biomechanics
- Class Number: 9059
- Instructor: WEISS, JEFFREY
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $50.00
- Seats Available: -2
BIOEN 5900 - 001 Student Research Opp. in Bioen
BIOEN 5900 - 001 Student Research Opp. in Bioen
BIOEN 5950 - 001 Independent Study
BIOEN 5950 - 001 Independent Study
- Class Number: 9403
- Instructor: RABBITT, RICHARD
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
BIOEN 5950 - 002 Independent Study
BIOEN 5950 - 002 Independent Study
- Class Number: 14451
- Instructor: BEARSS, DAVID
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 0
BIOEN 6050 - 001 Cellular Physiol
Lab is on Thursdays from 2-5
BIOEN 6050 - 001 Cellular Physiol
- Class Number: 9321
- Instructor: SHIU, YAN-TING
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $30.00
- Seats Available: 23
Lab is on Thursdays from 2-5
BIOEN 6060 - 001 Scientific Presentation
BIOEN 6060 - 001 Scientific Presentation
- Class Number: 1788
- Instructor: RABBITT, RICHARD
- Component: Seminar
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 20
BIOEN 6090 - 001 Department Seminar
BIOEN 6090 - 001 Department Seminar
- Class Number: 9908
- Instructor: RABBITT, RICHARD
- Component: Seminar
- Type: In Person
- Units: 0.5
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 14
- Class Number:
- Instructor: ZENG, LARRY L
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 4.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
BIOEN 6101 - 002 Bioinst Signals & Sys
BIOEN 6101 - 002 Bioinst Signals & Sys
- Class Number: 11409
- Instructor: ZENG, LARRY L
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
BIOEN 6101 - 003 Bioinst Signals & Sys
BIOEN 6101 - 003 Bioinst Signals & Sys
- Class Number: 11410
- Instructor: ZENG, LARRY L
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 0
BIOEN 6201 - 001 Biomechanics
BIOEN 6201 - 001 Biomechanics
- Class Number:
- Instructor: WEISS, JEFFREY
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 4.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
BIOEN 6201 - 002 Biomechanics
BIOEN 6201 - 002 Biomechanics
- Class Number: 11404
- Instructor: WEISS, JEFFREY
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 2
BIOEN 6201 - 003 Biomechanics
BIOEN 6201 - 003 Biomechanics
- Class Number: 11405
- Instructor: WEISS, JEFFREY
- Component: Laboratory
- Type: In Person
- Units: --
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 2
BIOEN 6423 - 001 Microsystems Des & Char
This section also includes additional lab work and an extracurricular team project.
BIOEN 6423 - 001 Microsystems Des & Char
- Class Number: 11198
- Instructor: HARVEY, IAN
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 4.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Fees: $128.00
- Seats Available: 4
This section also includes additional lab work and an extracurricular team project.
BIOEN 6460 - 001 Electrophys & Bioelect
This class meets in the CVRTI Library.
BIOEN 6460 - 001 Electrophys & Bioelect
- Class Number: 13226
- Instructor: Macleod, Rob
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 1
This class meets in the CVRTI Library.
BIOEN 6470 - 001 Ultrasound
BIOEN 6470 - 001 Ultrasound
BIOEN 6480 - 001 Biomechanics Seminar
BIOEN 6480 - 001 Biomechanics Seminar
- Class Number: 8800
- Instructor: WEISS, JEFFREY
- Component: Seminar
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 0
This class is for Non-Majors.
- Class Number: 9812
- Instructor: ZENG, LARRY L
- Component: Special Topics
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
This class is for Non-Majors.
BIOEN 6900 - 002 Biomechanics-Lecture
This class is for Non-Majors.
BIOEN 6900 - 002 Biomechanics-Lecture
- Class Number: 9813
- Instructor: WEISS, JEFFREY
- Component: Special Topics
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 4
This class is for Non-Majors.
BIOEN 6900 - 003 Molecular Principles of Biomat
BIOEN 6900 - 003 Molecular Principles of Biomat
- Class Number: 13862
- Instructor: Kiser, Patrick
- Component: Special Topics
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
BIOEN 6900 - 004 Readings in Clinical Neurophys
This class meets in the Neurology Department in SOM 3R229.
BIOEN 6900 - 004 Readings in Clinical Neurophys
- Class Number: 14539
- Instructor: BROMBERG, MARK
- Component: Special Topics
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 6
This class meets in the Neurology Department in SOM 3R229.
BIOEN 6900 - 005 BME Literature Survey Class
BIOEN 6900 - 005 BME Literature Survey Class
- Class Number: 14648
- Component: Special Topics
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 3
BIOEN 6900 - 006 Neuro Inflammation
BIOEN 6900 - 006 Neuro Inflammation
- Class Number: 14690
- Instructor: TRESCO, PATRICK
- Component: Special Topics
- Type: In Person
- Units: 2.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 1
BIOEN 6910 - 001 Independent Study
Contact department for appropriate advisor's class number.
BIOEN 6910 - 001 Independent Study
- Class Number: 8463
- Instructor: RABBITT, RICHARD
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 0
Contact department for appropriate advisor's class number.
BIOEN 6960 - 001 Research Project: Me
Contact department for appropriate advisor's class number.
BIOEN 6960 - 001 Research Project: Me
- Class Number: 4479
- Instructor: RABBITT, RICHARD
- Component: Special Projects
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 15
Contact department for appropriate advisor's class number.
BIOEN 6970 - 001 Thesis Research-MS
Contact department for appropriate advisor's class number.
BIOEN 6970 - 001 Thesis Research-MS
- Class Number: 3132
- Instructor: RABBITT, RICHARD
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 15
Contact department for appropriate advisor's class number.
BIOEN 6970 - 038 Thesis Research-MS
BIOEN 6970 - 038 Thesis Research-MS
- Class Number: 11091
- Instructor: GALE, BRUCE
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 2
BIOEN 6970 - 041 Thesis Research-MS
BIOEN 6970 - 041 Thesis Research-MS
- Class Number: 14016
- Instructor: PUNSKE, BONNIE B
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 5
BIOEN 6970 - 042 Thesis Research-MS
BIOEN 6970 - 042 Thesis Research-MS
- Class Number: 14452
- Instructor: BROMBERG, MARK
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 4
BIOEN 6970 - 043 Thesis Research-MS
BIOEN 6970 - 043 Thesis Research-MS
- Class Number: 14492
- Instructor: BROWN, NICHOLAS A
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 4
BIOEN 6980 - 001 Faculty Consultation
BIOEN 6980 - 001 Faculty Consultation
- Class Number: 3133
- Instructor: RABBITT, RICHARD
- Component: Independent Study
- Type: In Person
- Units: 2.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 15
BIOEN 7160 - 001 Physicl Nature Surfaces
BIOEN 7160 - 001 Physicl Nature Surfaces
- Class Number: 13777
- Instructor: HLADY, VLADIMIR
- Component: Lecture
- Type: In Person
- Units: 3.0
- Requisites: Yes
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 1
BIOEN 7970 - 001 Thesis Research-Ph D
Contact department for appropriate advisor's class number.
BIOEN 7970 - 001 Thesis Research-Ph D
- Class Number: 3134
- Instructor: RABBITT, RICHARD
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 10
Contact department for appropriate advisor's class number.
BIOEN 7970 - 050 Thesis Research-Ph D
BIOEN 7970 - 050 Thesis Research-Ph D
- Class Number: 13973
- Instructor: CHERKAEV, ELENA
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 4
BIOEN 7970 - 051 Thesis Research-Ph D
BIOEN 7970 - 051 Thesis Research-Ph D
- Class Number: 14017
- Instructor: PUNSKE, BONNIE B
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 4
BIOEN 7970 - 054 Thesis Research-Ph D
BIOEN 7970 - 054 Thesis Research-Ph D
- Class Number: 14523
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 4
BIOEN 7970 - 056 Thesis Research-Ph D
BIOEN 7970 - 056 Thesis Research-Ph D
- Class Number: 14697
- Instructor: MYERS, CHRIS
- Component: Thesis Research
- Type: In Person
- Units: 1.0 - 12.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 4
BIOEN 7990 - 001 Cont Reg-Ph D
BIOEN 7990 - 001 Cont Reg-Ph D
- Class Number: 3135
- Instructor: RABBITT, RICHARD
- Component: Continuing Registration
- Type: In Person
- Units: 0.0
- Wait List: No
- Seats Available: 15