Course Detail
2.0 - 8.0
Course Components:
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Requirement:
Recommended Prerequisite: Medical students only.
Students will work directly with pathology residents and faculty in the routine performance of autopsies and examinations of surgically excised tissues. Students will be expected to assist in prosecting and signing out at least one autopsy at the University Hospital (optional at VAMC) as well as examining, dissecting, and signing out surgical pathology specimens on a routine basis. Students will attend and participate in department conferences. This elective is designed to give students additional exposure to anatomic pathology. Interested students need not be planning a career in pathology. This elective is offered at two hospitals and the specifics will vary somewhat from hospital to hospital, but these can be discussed with the individual directing the rotation. The elective at the University Hospital or the VA Hospital can be tailored to meet special interests.