Class # Subject Catalog # Section Title Enrollment Cap Wait List Currently Enrolled Seats Available
20117 MSE 1050 001 Material for SportsGear 45 0 23 22
12781 MSE 1800 001 Contemporary MSE 40 0 29 11
8484 MSE 2160 001 Elements Of MSE 200 0 114 86
1662 MSE 3011 001 Struct Analys Of Mtrls 30 0 18 12
1663 MSE 3011 002 Struct Analys Of Mtrls 15 0 13 2
7380 MSE 3011 003 Struct Analys Of Mtrls 15 0 5 10
1666 MSE 3061 001 Transport Phenomena 30 0 12 18
2191 MSE 3310 001 Intro To Ceramics 35 0 19 16
9570 MSE 4999 001 Hon Thesis/Project 5 0 1 4
1664 MSE 5034 001 Kinetics 29 0 18 11
9210 MSE 5050 004 Special Topics 10 0 10 0
13230 MSE 5050 011 Special Topics 5 0 2 3
10377 MSE 5055 001 Microsystems Des & Char 16 0 0 16
2755 MSE 5090 001 Prof Commun for MSE 40 0 23 17
12782 MSE 5098 001 Senior Design 35 0 19 16
18559 MSE 5250 001 Polymer Recycling 10 0 8 2
12780 MSE 5510 001 Materials Innovation 30 0 12 18
18556 MSE 5540 002 Materials Informatics 25 0 3 22
20905 MSE 5720 001 Molten Salt Eng 10 0 0 10
21028 MSE 5800 001 MSE Internship I 5 0 2 3
9285 MSE 5801 001 MSE Internship II 10 0 0 10
20554 MSE 6011 003 Adv Mats Tech 25 0 7 18
4543 MSE 6034 001 Kinetics 20 0 11 9
10378 MSE 6055 001 Microsystems Des & Char 16 0 0 16
18558 MSE 6250 001 Polymer Recycling 10 0 4 6
2639 MSE 6421 001 Micromachining 1 0 1 0
6643 MSE 6421 002 Micromachining 1 0 1 0
2102 MSE 6590 001 Special Projects 5 0 0 5
8785 MSE 6590 003 Special Projects 3 0 0 3
9365 MSE 6590 004 Special Projects 5 0 0 5
9366 MSE 6590 005 Special Projects 5 0 0 5
9591 MSE 6590 007 Special Projects 8 0 0 8
10001 MSE 6590 008 Special Projects 5 0 0 5
10003 MSE 6590 010 Special Projects 5 0 1 4
10004 MSE 6590 011 Special Projects 5 0 0 5
11565 MSE 6590 012 Special Projects 7 0 0 7
11566 MSE 6590 013 Special Projects 5 0 0 5
12177 MSE 6590 014 Special Projects 10 0 0 10
12178 MSE 6590 015 Special Projects 10 0 0 10
19925 MSE 6590 016 Special Projects 1 0 1 0
20249 MSE 6590 017 Special Projects 1 0 1 0
12779 MSE 6610 001 Materials Innovation 15 0 9 6
18557 MSE 6640 002 Materials Informatics 15 0 2 13
1522 MSE 6970 002 Thesis Research: MS 5 0 0 5
4744 MSE 6970 004 Thesis Research: MS 5 0 0 5
2441 MSE 6970 006 Thesis Research: MS 5 0 1 4
7274 MSE 6970 007 Thesis Research: MS 8 0 0 8
6288 MSE 6970 008 Thesis Research: MS 5 0 0 5
8703 MSE 6970 009 Thesis Research: MS 3 0 0 3
9364 MSE 6970 010 Thesis Research: MS 5 0 2 3
10000 MSE 6970 011 Thesis Research: MS 5 0 0 5
10241 MSE 6970 012 Thesis Research: MS 5 0 0 5
11567 MSE 6970 013 Thesis Research: MS 7 0 0 7
11568 MSE 6970 014 Thesis Research: MS 7 0 0 7
12179 MSE 6970 015 Thesis Research: MS 10 0 0 10
12180 MSE 6970 016 Thesis Research: MS 10 0 1 9
13758 MSE 6970 017 Thesis Research: MS 3 0 0 3
20417 MSE 6970 018 Thesis Research: MS 5 0 1 4
11158 MSE 7050 001 Special Topics 10 0 0 10
7730 MSE 7300 001 Polymers: Chemistry 4 0 2 2
1667 MSE 7801 001 Graduate Seminar II 40 0 23 17
4661 MSE 7970 002 Thesis Research: PhD 10 0 0 10
6575 MSE 7970 004 Thesis Research: PhD 15 0 4 11
5501 MSE 7970 005 Thesis Research: PhD 10 0 2 8
1523 MSE 7970 006 Thesis Research: PhD 10 0 0 10
4589 MSE 7970 008 Thesis Research: PhD 10 0 2 8
2066 MSE 7970 009 Thesis Research: PhD 10 0 0 10
4736 MSE 7970 010 Thesis Research: PhD 10 0 2 8
11569 MSE 7970 014 Thesis Research: PhD 10 0 2 8
11570 MSE 7970 015 Thesis Research: PhD 10 0 3 7
11571 MSE 7970 016 Thesis Research: PhD 10 0 3 7
12181 MSE 7970 017 Thesis Research: PhD 10 0 3 7
12182 MSE 7970 018 Thesis Research: PhD 10 0 2 8
13759 MSE 7970 019 Thesis Research: PhD 3 0 1 2