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University Connected Learning
Mount Olivet Cemetery is the only cemetery established by an Act of Congress (1874) from a desire to provide a final resting place for non-Latter-day Saints living in Utah, and separate from the Salt Lake City Cemetery. While the Mount Olivet Cemetery accommodates people of all faiths and backgrounds, it is managed by five non-Mormon congregations. Over the past 150 years, Mount Olivet has grown from its original 20 acres to 80 acres. The single-session talk will focus on the establishment and history of the cemetery, and highlight note-worthy and relatively obscure Utahns interred in the cemetery. The list includes Russell Lord Tracy, whose bird collection sparked Tracy Aviary; victims of the March 1884 Alta Avalanche; and the wife and newborn infant of Salt Lake's notorious serial-killer, The Rev. Francis Herman, late 19th century pastor of the Scandinavian Methodist Episcopal Church.